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class Guard(IGuard, Generic[OT])

The Guard class.

This class is the main entry point for using Guardrails. It can be initialized by one of the following patterns:

  • Guard().use(...)
  • Guard().use_many(...)
  • Guard.from_string(...)
  • Guard.from_pydantic(...)
  • Guard.from_rail(...)
  • Guard.from_rail_string(...)

The __call__ method functions as a wrapper around LLM APIs. It takes in an LLM API, and optional prompt parameters, and returns a ValidationOutcome class that contains the raw output from the LLM, the validated output, as well as other helpful information.


def __init__(*,
id: Optional[str] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
description: Optional[str] = None,
validators: Optional[List[ValidatorReference]] = None,
output_schema: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None)

Initialize the Guard with serialized validator references and an output schema.

Output schema must be a valid JSON Schema.


def configure(*,
num_reasks: Optional[int] = None,
tracer: Optional[Tracer] = None,
allow_metrics_collection: Optional[bool] = None)

Configure the Guard.


  • num_reasks int, optional - The max times to re-ask the LLM if validation fails. Defaults to None.
  • tracer Tracer, optional - An OpenTelemetry tracer to use for sending traces to your OpenTelemetry sink. Defaults to None.
  • allow_metrics_collection bool, optional - Whether to allow Guardrails to collect anonymous metrics. Defaults to None, and falls back to waht is set via the guardrails configure command.


def from_rail(cls,
rail_file: str,
num_reasks: Optional[int] = None,
tracer: Optional[Tracer] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
description: Optional[str] = None)

Create a Guard using a .rail file to specify the output schema, prompt, etc.


  • rail_file - The path to the .rail file.
  • num_reasks int, optional - The max times to re-ask the LLM if validation fails. Deprecated
  • tracer Tracer, optional - An OpenTelemetry tracer to use for metrics and traces. Defaults to None.
  • name str, optional - A unique name for this Guard. Defaults to gr- + the object id.
  • description str, optional - A description for this Guard. Defaults to None.


An instance of the Guard class.


def from_rail_string(cls,
rail_string: str,
num_reasks: Optional[int] = None,
tracer: Optional[Tracer] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
description: Optional[str] = None)

Create a Guard using a .rail string to specify the output schema, prompt, etc..


  • rail_string - The .rail string.
  • num_reasks int, optional - The max times to re-ask the LLM if validation fails. Deprecated
  • tracer Tracer, optional - An OpenTelemetry tracer to use for metrics and traces. Defaults to None.
  • name str, optional - A unique name for this Guard. Defaults to gr- + the object id.
  • description str, optional - A description for this Guard. Defaults to None.


An instance of the Guard class.


def from_pydantic(cls,
output_class: ModelOrListOfModels,
prompt: Optional[str] = None,
instructions: Optional[str] = None,
num_reasks: Optional[int] = None,
reask_prompt: Optional[str] = None,
reask_instructions: Optional[str] = None,
reask_messages: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,
messages: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,
tracer: Optional[Tracer] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
description: Optional[str] = None,
output_formatter: Optional[Union[str,
BaseFormatter]] = None)

Create a Guard instance using a Pydantic model to specify the output schema.


  • output_class - (Union[Type[BaseModel], List[Type[BaseModel]]]): The pydantic model that describes the desired structure of the output.
  • prompt str, optional - The prompt used to generate the string. Defaults to None.
  • instructions str, optional - Instructions for chat models. Defaults to None.
  • reask_prompt str, optional - An alternative prompt to use during reasks. Defaults to None.
  • reask_instructions str, optional - Alternative instructions to use during reasks. Defaults to None.
  • reask_messages List[Dict], optional - A list of messages to use during reasks. Defaults to None.
  • num_reasks int, optional - The max times to re-ask the LLM if validation fails. Deprecated
  • tracer Tracer, optional - An OpenTelemetry tracer to use for metrics and traces. Defaults to None.
  • name str, optional - A unique name for this Guard. Defaults to gr- + the object id.
  • description str, optional - A description for this Guard. Defaults to None.
  • output_formatter str | Formatter, optional - 'none' (default), 'jsonformer', or a Guardrails Formatter.


def from_string(cls,
validators: Sequence[Validator],
string_description: Optional[str] = None,
prompt: Optional[str] = None,
instructions: Optional[str] = None,
reask_prompt: Optional[str] = None,
reask_instructions: Optional[str] = None,
reask_messages: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,
messages: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,
num_reasks: Optional[int] = None,
tracer: Optional[Tracer] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
description: Optional[str] = None)

Create a Guard instance for a string response.


  • validators - (List[Validator]): The list of validators to apply to the string output.
  • string_description str, optional - A description for the string to be generated. Defaults to None.
  • prompt str, optional - The prompt used to generate the string. Defaults to None.
  • instructions str, optional - Instructions for chat models. Defaults to None.
  • reask_prompt str, optional - An alternative prompt to use during reasks. Defaults to None.
  • reask_instructions str, optional - Alternative instructions to use during reasks. Defaults to None.
  • reask_messages List[Dict], optional - A list of messages to use during reasks. Defaults to None.
  • num_reasks int, optional - The max times to re-ask the LLM if validation fails. Deprecated
  • tracer Tracer, optional - An OpenTelemetry tracer to use for metrics and traces. Defaults to None.
  • name str, optional - A unique name for this Guard. Defaults to gr- + the object id.
  • description str, optional - A description for this Guard. Defaults to None.


def __call__(
llm_api: Optional[Callable] = None,
prompt_params: Optional[Dict] = None,
num_reasks: Optional[int] = 1,
prompt: Optional[str] = None,
instructions: Optional[str] = None,
msg_history: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,
metadata: Optional[Dict] = None,
full_schema_reask: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> Union[ValidationOutcome[OT], Iterable[ValidationOutcome[OT]]]

Call the LLM and validate the output.


  • llm_api - The LLM API to call (e.g. openai.completions.create or openai.Completion.acreate)
  • prompt_params - The parameters to pass to the prompt.format() method.
  • num_reasks - The max times to re-ask the LLM for invalid output.
  • prompt - The prompt to use for the LLM.
  • instructions - Instructions for chat models.
  • msg_history - The message history to pass to the LLM.
  • metadata - Metadata to pass to the validators.
  • full_schema_reask - When reasking, whether to regenerate the full schema or just the incorrect values. Defaults to True if a base model is provided, False otherwise.




def parse(llm_output: str,
metadata: Optional[Dict] = None,
llm_api: Optional[Callable] = None,
num_reasks: Optional[int] = None,
prompt_params: Optional[Dict] = None,
full_schema_reask: Optional[bool] = None,
**kwargs) -> ValidationOutcome[OT]

Alternate flow to using Guard where the llm_output is known.


  • llm_output - The output being parsed and validated.
  • metadata - Metadata to pass to the validators.
  • llm_api - The LLM API to call (e.g. openai.completions.create or openai.Completion.acreate)
  • num_reasks - The max times to re-ask the LLM for invalid output.
  • prompt_params - The parameters to pass to the prompt.format() method.
  • full_schema_reask - When reasking, whether to regenerate the full schema or just the incorrect values.




def error_spans_in_output() -> List[ErrorSpan]

Get the error spans in the last output.


def use(validator: Validator, *, on: str = "output") -> "Guard"


def use(validator: Type[Validator],
on: str = "output",
**kwargs) -> "Guard"


def use(validator: UseValidatorSpec,
on: str = "output",
**kwargs) -> "Guard"

Use a validator to validate either of the following:

  • The output of an LLM request
  • The prompt
  • The instructions
  • The message history


  • validator - The validator to use. Either the class or an instance.
  • on - The part of the LLM request to validate. Defaults to "output".


def use_many(*validators: Validator, on: str = "output") -> "Guard"


def use_many(*validators: UseManyValidatorTuple,
on: str = "output") -> "Guard"


def use_many(*validators: UseManyValidatorSpec, on: str = "output") -> "Guard"

Use multiple validators to validate results of an LLM request.


def validate(llm_output: str, *args, **kwargs) -> ValidationOutcome[OT]


def to_runnable() -> Runnable

Convert a Guard to a LangChain Runnable.


def to_dict() -> Dict[str, Any]


def json_function_calling_tool(
tools: Optional[list] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]

Appends an OpenAI tool that specifies the output structure using JSON Schema for chat models.


def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional["Guard"]


class AsyncGuard(Guard, Generic[OT])

The AsyncGuard class.

This class one of the main entry point for using Guardrails. It is initialized from one of the following class methods:

  • from_rail
  • from_rail_string
  • from_pydantic
  • from_string

The __call__ method functions as a wrapper around LLM APIs. It takes in an Async LLM API, and optional prompt parameters, and returns the raw output stream from the LLM and the validated output stream.


def from_pydantic(cls,
output_class: ModelOrListOfModels,
prompt: Optional[str] = None,
instructions: Optional[str] = None,
num_reasks: Optional[int] = None,
reask_prompt: Optional[str] = None,
reask_instructions: Optional[str] = None,
reask_messages: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,
tracer: Optional[Tracer] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
description: Optional[str] = None)


def from_string(cls,
validators: Sequence[Validator],
string_description: Optional[str] = None,
prompt: Optional[str] = None,
instructions: Optional[str] = None,
reask_prompt: Optional[str] = None,
reask_instructions: Optional[str] = None,
num_reasks: Optional[int] = None,
tracer: Optional[Tracer] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
description: Optional[str] = None)


def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional["AsyncGuard"]


def use(validator: UseValidatorSpec,
on: str = "output",
**kwargs) -> "AsyncGuard"


def use_many(*validators: UseManyValidatorSpec,
on: str = "output") -> "AsyncGuard"


async def __call__(
llm_api: Optional[Callable[..., Awaitable[Any]]] = None,
prompt_params: Optional[Dict] = None,
num_reasks: Optional[int] = 1,
prompt: Optional[str] = None,
instructions: Optional[str] = None,
msg_history: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,
metadata: Optional[Dict] = None,
full_schema_reask: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> Union[

Call the LLM and validate the output. Pass an async LLM API to return a coroutine.


  • llm_api - The LLM API to call (e.g. openai.completions.create or
  • prompt_params - The parameters to pass to the prompt.format() method.
  • num_reasks - The max times to re-ask the LLM for invalid output.
  • prompt - The prompt to use for the LLM.
  • instructions - Instructions for chat models.
  • msg_history - The message history to pass to the LLM.
  • metadata - Metadata to pass to the validators.
  • full_schema_reask - When reasking, whether to regenerate the full schema or just the incorrect values. Defaults to True if a base model is provided, False otherwise.


The raw text output from the LLM and the validated output.


async def parse(llm_output: str,
metadata: Optional[Dict] = None,
llm_api: Optional[Callable[..., Awaitable[Any]]] = None,
num_reasks: Optional[int] = None,
prompt_params: Optional[Dict] = None,
full_schema_reask: Optional[bool] = None,
**kwargs) -> Awaitable[ValidationOutcome[OT]]

Alternate flow to using AsyncGuard where the llm_output is known.


  • llm_output - The output being parsed and validated.
  • metadata - Metadata to pass to the validators.
  • llm_api - The LLM API to call (e.g. openai.completions.create or openai.Completion.acreate)
  • num_reasks - The max times to re-ask the LLM for invalid output.
  • prompt_params - The parameters to pass to the prompt.format() method.
  • full_schema_reask - When reasking, whether to regenerate the full schema or just the incorrect values.


The validated response. This is either a string or a dictionary, determined by the object schema defined in the RAILspec.


async def validate(llm_output: str, *args,
**kwargs) -> Awaitable[ValidationOutcome[OT]]


class ValidationOutcome(IValidationOutcome, ArbitraryModel, Generic[OT])

The final output from a Guard execution.


  • call_id - The id of the Call that produced this ValidationOutcome.
  • raw_llm_output - The raw, unchanged output from the LLM call.
  • validated_output - The validated, and potentially fixed, output from the LLM call after passing through validation.
  • reask - If validation continuously fails and all allocated reasks are used, this field will contain the final reask that would have been sent to the LLM if additional reasks were available.
  • validation_passed - A boolean to indicate whether or not the LLM output passed validation. If this is False, the validated_output may be invalid.
  • error - If the validation failed, this field will contain the error message


def from_guard_history(cls, call: Call)

Create a ValidationOutcome from a history Call object.