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Logs and History

All Guard calls are logged internally, and can be accessed via the guard history.

Whenever Guard.__call__ or Guard.parse is called, a new Call entry is added to a stack in sequence of execution. This Call stack can be accessed through Guard.history.

Calls can be further decomposed into a stack of Iteration objects. These are stateless and represent the interactions within a Call between llms, validators, inputs and outputs. The Iteration stack can be accessed through call.iterations.

General Access


my_guard = Guard.from_pydantic(...)

response_1 = my_guard(...)

response_2 = my_guard.parse(...)

my_guard.history's first Call entry will represent the guard execution corresponding to response_1 and the second will correspond to response_2's execution.

To pretty print logs for the latest call, run:

from rich import print

└── ╭────────────────────────────────────────────────── Step 0 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
╭──────────────────────────────────────────────── Prompt ─────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ │
│ You are a human in an enchanted forest. You come across opponents of different types. You should fight │
│ smaller opponents, run away from bigger ones, and freeze if the opponent is a bear. │
│ │
│ You run into a grizzly. What do you do? │
│ │
│ │
│ Given below is XML that describes the information to extract from this document and the tags to extract │
│ it into. │
│ │
│ <output> │
│ <choice name="action" discriminator="chosen_action"> │
│ <case name="fight"> │
│ <string name="weapon" format="valid-choices: choices=['crossbow', 'axe', 'sword', │
│ 'fork']"/> │
│ </case> │
│ <case name="flight"> │
│ <string name="flight_direction" format="valid-choices: choices=['north', 'south', 'east', │
│ 'west']"/> │
│ <integer name="distance" format="valid-choices: choices=[1, 2, 3, 4]"/> │
│ </case> │
│ <case name="freeze"> │
│ <integer name="duration" format="valid-choices: choices=[1, 2, 3, 4]"/> │
│ </case> │
│ </choice> │
│ </output> │
│ │
│ │
│ ONLY return a valid JSON object (no other text is necessary), where the key of the field in JSON is the │
│ `name` attribute of the corresponding XML, and the value is of the type specified by the corresponding │
│ XML's tag. The JSON MUST conform to the XML format, including any types and format requests e.g. │
│ requests for lists, objects and specific types. Be correct and concise. │
│ │
│ Here are examples of simple (XML, JSON) pairs that show the expected behavior: │
│ - `<string name='foo' format='two-words lower-case' />` => `{'foo': 'example one'}` │
│ - `<list name='bar'><string format='upper-case' /></list>` => `{"bar": ['STRING ONE', 'STRING TWO', │
│ etc.]}` │
│ - `<object name='baz'><string name="foo" format="capitalize two-words" /><integer name="index" │
│ format="1-indexed" /></object>` => `{'baz': {'foo': 'Some String', 'index': 1}}` │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ Here are a few examples │
│ │
│ goblin: {"action": {"chosen_action": "fight", "weapon": "crossbow"}} │
│ giant: {"action": {"chosen_action": "flight", "flight_direction": "north", "distance": 1}} │
│ dragon: {"action": {"chosen_action": "flight", "flight_direction": "south", "distance": 4}} │
│ troll: {"action": {"chosen_action": "fight", "weapon": "sword"}} │
│ black bear: {"action": {"chosen_action": "freeze", "duration": 3}} │
│ beets: {"action": {"chosen_action": "fight", "weapon": "fork"}} │
│ │
╭───────────────────────────────────────────── Instructions ──────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ You are a helpful assistant, able to express yourself purely through JSON, strictly and precisely │
│ adhering to the provided XML schemas. │
╭──────────────────────────────────────────── Message History ────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ No message history. │
╭──────────────────────────────────────────── Raw LLM Output ─────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ {"action": {"chosen_action": "freeze", "duration": 4}} │
╭─────────────────────────────────────────── Validated Output ────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ {'action': {'chosen_action': 'freeze', 'duration': 4}} │


Initial Input

Inital inputs like prompt and instructions from a call are available on each call.

first_call = my_guard.history.first
print("prompt params\n------------- ")

You are a human in an enchanted forest. You come across opponents of different types. You should fight smaller opponents, run away from bigger ones, and freeze if the opponent is a bear.

You run into a ${opp_type}. What do you do?


Here are a few examples

goblin: {"action": {"chosen_action": "fight", "weapon": "crossbow"}}
troll: {"action": {"chosen_action": "fight", "weapon": "sword"}}
giant: {"action": {"chosen_action": "flight", "flight_direction": "north", "distance": 1}}
dragon: {"action": {"chosen_action": "flight", "flight_direction": "south", "distance": 4}}
black bear: {"action": {"chosen_action": "freeze", "duration": 3}}
beets: {"action": {"chosen_action": "fight", "weapon": "fork"}}

prompt params
{'opp_type': 'grizzly'}

Note: Input messages and msg_history currently can be accessed through iterations

{"role":"system","content":"You are a helpful assistant."},
{"role":"user","content":"Tell me a joke"}

Final Output

Final output of call is accessible on a call.

print("status: ", first_call.status) # The final status of this guard call
print("validated response:", first_call.validated_output) # The final valid output of this guard call
status:  pass
validated response: {'action': {'chosen_action': 'freeze', 'duration': 3}}

Cumulative Raw LLM outputs

Call log also the raw returns of llms before validation

print("llm responses\n-------------") # An Stack of the LLM responses in order that they were received
for r in first_call.raw_outputs:
llm responses
{"action": {"chosen_action": "freeze"}}
"action": {
"chosen_action": "freeze",
"duration": null
"action": {
"chosen_action": "freeze",
"duration": 1

Cumulative Token usage

Call log also tracks llm token usage (*currently only for OpenAI models)

print("prompt token usage: ", first_call.prompt_tokens_consumed) # Total number of prompt tokens consumed across iterations within this call
print("completion token usage: ", first_call.completion_tokens_consumed) # Total number of completion tokens consumed across iterations within this call
print("total token usage: ",first_call.tokens_consumed) # Total number of tokens consumed; equal to the sum of the two values above
prompt token usage:  909
completion token usage: 57
total token usage: 966


Validator logs

Detailed validator logs including outcomes and error spans can be accessed on interations.

first_step = first_call.iterations.first

validation_logs = first_step.validator_logs
print("\nValidator Logs\n--------------")
for log in validation_logs:
Validator Logs
"validator_name": "ValidChoices",
"value_before_validation": "spoon",
"validation_result": {
"outcome": "fail",
"metadata": null,
"error_message": "Value spoon is not in choices ['crossbow', 'axe', 'sword', 'fork'].",
"fix_value": null
"value_after_validation": {
"incorrect_value": "spoon",
"fail_results": [
"outcome": "fail",
"metadata": null,
"error_message": "Value spoon is not in choices ['crossbow', 'axe', 'sword', 'fork'].",
"fix_value": null
"path": [

Failed validations can be conveniently accessed via iteration.failed_validations

Raw LLM output

If multiple llm calls are made like in the case of the reask. Iterations contain the return of each call to an llm.

first_step = first_call.iterations.first

first_llm_output = first_step.raw_output
print("First LLM response\n------------------")
First LLM response
{"action": {"chosen_action": "fight", "weapon": "spoon"}}

Token Usage

Token usage on a per step basis can be accessed on an Iteration.

print("prompt token usage: ", first_step.prompt_tokens_consumed)
print("completion token usage: ", first_step.completion_tokens_consumed)
print("token usage for this step: ",first_step.tokens_consumed)
prompt token usage:  617
completion token usage: 16
token usage for this step: 633

For more information on Call, see the History & Logs page. For more information on the properties available on Iteration, see the History & Logs page.